Thursday, January 28, 2010

Whats The Opposite Of Conceded Is There Such A Thing As An Opposite Tone-deaf Person?

Is there such a thing as an opposite tone-deaf person? - whats the opposite of conceded

I do not seem to be granted or something. But many people say, I am a great singer. Many of them. You try to assert myself literally in the theater and the arts. When I told them do not want the theater on Broadway or in the school never get angry and say that I lose a talent.
But honestly, when I hear him sing, I think this is so good. It's decent. The winner of American Idol, but not good. Mom and Dad crazy when they hear that I could never win American Idol. My best friend has actually started a big fight with me, because I do not audition.
The start believing now, he is something like the opposite of the tone deaf? As in reality, I'm very good, but I heard wrong? And if so, what can I do to hear myself better?


Douglas D said...

No, I do not think that this case "s" in contrast to the tone deaf "and do not believe that it is in the way of thinking.

There are two things to think that I done here.
One is that you've never played his own voice heard, after the recording is a digital machine, or a cassette. Especially to sing. If you have never done before, then I think we can be surprised what you hear.

I have found in professional recording studios, and I have in my own studio at home, then I heard my voice played back to me and thousands of times. But I remember the first time I heard my voice and my voice speaks to play old reel to reel tape machine for many years. I was surprised at how different sound. I asked some people in the room, and assured me that the voice I heard during playback was my real voice, and yes, that's how it sounded different.
After many years I've been using me in hearing, and now I hear my voice, just as I do notabroad during the playback of a recording.
I am sure my experience with what is normal in May and you have or have had the same experience very closely, is there anything that can happen.

The other thing is that all tend to be hyper-critical of ourselves, not judge, and, but we can be tougher than our friends and family. But we also see (and) may also hear that we are the rest of us otherwise.
One example is with those who suffer from anorexia found. While most of us turn to the victims of anorexia nervosa, and you will see a very thin person. The anorexic see a fat person in the mirror.

So if you want more information I suggest you try to take yourself a few lines of your favorite sing-songs and then play back to learn themselves. If you've never done it before, get ready for a bit of a shock, because I predict you will be your voice is so different that you think it is a malfunction of the recording devicehe used.
Even if you have registered and read for yourself before you hear the record attempt objectively.
Think of vocal sounds, which, listening as if it was not you but another person.
Then ask yourself if it is the voice that you hear, bad, fair or very good.

Finally, I speak the comments expressed about the talent that others tell you.
Just because you have a full voice does not mean that you share with others, or even a career in show business should take account.
I have many people who had the potential of his voice, and what some might call "raw talent". But as long as these people have the right combination of talent and PASS SION, there is no hope of ever a career in show business.
From what you said here, he lacks passion for entertaining people. In fact, it looks like the idea that one is dead, and that's fine.

What makes this a problem that is not good with people, which are surrounded by.
However, it is their problem, not yours.
If you are sure you are not interested in an entertaining audiences, so if you are tone deaf, or should not make any difference for you.
You are your own person with their own interests and desires.
Not to follow on this earth, about the passions of another person.
Then find something that can get you really excited to make your dream and follow it.
If you have nothing to do with the song or the show business, then you do it to be.

Will M said...

Some people have perfect pitch, which means it can "identify or create a note without the benefit of an external reference." You probably do not have perfect pitch, but that's something to make you mad. When you learn about yourself, you save on your computer or recording device and listen.

faetheor... said...

Have you ever been on the answering yoursef and they say I sound strange hmm? Really listen to your head as far as his ears ... No, really. does not sound like you, like you, as for an anti-musical ear and I'm not sure, but what he calls to say clearly Woud Luciano Pavorati and should, Mariah Carry is able to distinguish between the notes to sing a>:) I would say that there are people with more attention than others .... Good luck ... Audition go ... nothing ventured nothing gained.

speedy-s... said...

If you think you suck, you should trust your instincts. People who know to ever sing well, but modestly admit that they do not know. It is likely that people praise and do not know any better, or just nice to help your self-esteem. Sorry.

M. D said...

The opposite of deafness would be pitch-perfect, as if we can identify only hear a dial tone.

They say it is 1 in 10,000 people with absolute pitch

Maybe you're one of them.

Give him a blow that could be wrong?

hi said...

Joseph said...

In contrast to the tone deaf .... Hmm .... I think it is called "Perfect Pitch")

Rab said...

Hi Tara, we often hear, unlike the others, we hear. I have a Scottish accent and it is normal for me, until I listened to a recording, it seems very wide. The opposite of the tone deaf, I think it is a person with "perfect pitch". You can try to record your own voice and see if it gives you an idea, it would be ideal and would not register in quality.
All his friends and family can not be wrong, one way to find out is to a local competition or go to a singing teacher and let them judge. Hope this helps. All the best. Rab

hazelgre... said...

I think, "hear better" is a mental thing. Is it that you are counted as a good singer, because I do not sound like other singers that you admire? Is the song or you do not like being on stage and the attention that you feel uncomfortable? A good voice is a blessing and a gift .... So please do not waste your gift. Well ... then maybe you do not want to be on Broadway or something. There are many different ways that you can take to exploit their talents. Doing a little research and see if a particular direction that interests you. You can take your music yourself, I can hear it? I bet you're making a good singer and not a kind of mental block that you are something else .... It's almost like talking to someone you know is beautiful with a great body, but they look in the mirror and see someone who is unattractive .... Fat and you're there, like ... "What are you talking about because I bet that this kindExperience the same thing with your voice. :)

nmnf_43 said...

I do not think that the tone of the term "deaf" is used correctly here - that is, for example, if someone plays a C on the piano, but you hear an F instead. There are hearing wrong notes, nothing to do with sound. It is true, that is the opposite of deafness a perfect heart, but this is not on the ground, so to say it is not necessarily correct, yes.

When we sing, we hear differently from the others to tell us, because of the resonance in the head, so you may need to do. But most people do not know how broad range of voice quality. Everything depends on who is compared. When it comes to American Idol, is not whether you are good or bad, whether you have it all. My voice is classically trained, and people have been saying for years how amazing I am, but the reality is that if I do an opera or other professional production in the classical music audition, I would not have a chance. It is possibhim as a great singer, but not a teacher, and depends on the basis of the comparison. Note that even if you do not sing the voice, what you want, you can always receive adequate training with a vocal coach.

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